Workplace Deaths – Trillium Staffing Your Partner at Work Tue, 16 Jul 2024 19:47:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Most Dangerous Jobs in America /blog/the-most-dangerous-jobs-in-america/ Wed, 24 Jun 2015 12:51:37 +0000 /blog/?p=2592 Continue reading ]]> Each job has its own set of inherent hazards however, some are far more dangerous than others. Safety programs, trainings, and strong supervision can play a major factor in the overall safety of a job and workplace environment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported more than 4,400 deaths were caused by injuries in the workplace in the United States in 2013. Let’s take a look at the deadliest jobs and what their biggest hazards are.


1. Logging Workers- With a number of constantly changing factors including job location, surrounding hazards, wind speed, and less than predictable falling directions; logging workers have no doubt a dangerous occupation.

2. Fishing Related Occupations– Dangerous weather conditions, faulty equipment, and drownings all add to the safety threat for this group.

3. Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers– Despite technology improvements and state of the art equipment, mechanical issues and inclement weather add to the dangers of the job.

4. Roofers– Improper use of PPE, extreme heights, faulty equipment, slips, falls, and dangerous job sites all add to the injury exposure for roofers.

5. Structural Iron and Steel Workers- Working at extreme heights while handling heavy materials, these employees have a large exposure to falls, slips, crushes, and welding related injuries.

Regardless of your occupation finding the appropriate PPE, safety training, and identifying hazards are key to remaining safe on the job. Even those working in seemingly “safe” jobs can be injured when not following safety protocol and being aware of  their surroundings.

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Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.

