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We Seek The Best

We Seek The Best

Top Industries

Whether you're hiring temporary staff, contract labor, skilled tradespeople, or full-time employees, we have the resources, expertise and experience to find the best candidates for every conceivable position.

Our company database includes hundreds of thousands of qualified job seekers, allowing us to respond quickly to your new and changing needs. Our candidates undergo extensive screening, and we stand behind every person we place. Let us focus on people while you focus on growing your business!

Positions We Recruit

Whether you're seeking temporary, contract, or permanent employees, we can find the best talent to fill any of your staffing needs. Select your industry from the list below and view some examples of the most popular positions we recruit for businesses like yours across the nation.

What line of work are you hiring for?


Today, we have hundreds of contract professionals working on projects for contractors or major corporations with many more available for you. Tradespeople, Laborers, Engineers, Computer Specialists, Programmers, Project Managers, Financial Officers, and other skilled professionals are available for individual projects or time-based contracts renewable at your convenience.

Our proven ability to respond quickly to changing needs, and provide contract professionals in a timely manner has set us apart from our competitors.

Let us focus on people so you can focus on the project at hand!

Temporary Staff

So you're looking for Temporary Staff? No problem!

Our talent pool is full of qualified temps willing to work a short- or long-term temporary assignment, based on your needs. Our proven ability to quickly respond and provide skilled temporary staff in several fields including accounting, administrative, medical, and IT is what sets us apart from the competition.

Already screened, we'll provide you with an experienced temp who is ready to hit the ground running for any type, or length of assignment.

Direct Hires

So you're ready to hire someone full-time? Congratulations!

At Trillium we understand that hiring a full-time employee is a big commitment, and finding the perfect fit is essential. We pride ourselves on understanding our clients' unique business cultures and objectives, placing the best candidate in the most productive climate for his or her personality, and watching that person make a difference for our clients.

From Executive Secretaries to Chief Executive Officers, we have the presence, the resources, and the expertise to place the perfect candidate in any position.

The quickness of your response to our needs is unparalleled by any other source.
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